The selection of raw material is made on the basis of reliability and consistency of our suppliers. We cooperate with the largest and best slaughtering enterprises of Holland and Denmark for pork meat, of France for our veal and of Greece, of course, for the most fresh and with the best quality chickens.
We ensure that all raw material are of high quality and that the suppliers meet all specifications of modern and approved companies, which maintain systems of ensuring quality and self-control.
Vittos Family applies a certified food safety management system according to the standard EN ISO 22000: 2018 in all stages of the production process.
For ensuring the quality of the products, it conducts daily visual and organoleptic audits by specialized scientific personnel and systematic microbiological tests in accredited analysis laboratories.
We have developed and apply a traceability system, according to the European legislation requirements (EC No.178/2002) for the identification of all products in all stages of our production, from the receipt of the raw material, the processing, until its packaging.
After the end of works a program of cleaning and disinfection of the facilities is applied. Approved cleansers and disinfectants by top suppliers of the industry are used.